Among the many protestant churches in America, Churches of Christ are unique. Though we believe our identity as followers of Christ extends to the foundations of Christianity itself, as a group we can be found in the pages of American history as far back as the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. We have been known as a people devoted to the Bible and the Nation with roots that begin during the American “Second Great Awakening.” Above all things, our passion is to be true to the calling of God through Christ Jesus. There are several ways we do this.
We are Faithful to God
The Bible tells us that God created all things and that He is the eternal ruler of the world, the universe, and everything in them. We are faithful to Him.
We are Faithful To God’s Son
Jesus, God’s son, manifested himself on earth as a human being, lived the life of a man, was betrayed and murdered, and rose from death to assume all authority over all of creation. We are faithful to Him.
We are Faithful to God’s Word
The Bible, God’s Word, breathes life, beauty, and truth into our spirits and inspires us to develop as God wants us to: into images of Him. We are faithful to the Word.
We are Faithful to Service
The Bible tells us that “faith without works is dead.” We take this seriously. Service to others is one of the most notable aspects of Christianity, especially service to the poor and to the moral development of children. We are faithful to service.
We Are Faithful To Community
Each congregation of the Churches of Christ is a community of its own located within a larger community. There would be no purpose for a church that was not. Love demands that we seek its better good. We are faithful to community.
Deeper Studies
Like anything else, once you scratch the surface of the Bible and get hooked on its wonders, you will want to know more and more. We can help with that!
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